Hello! My name is Tesni and I am an artist and teacher at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond specializing in fun-making and learning for all ages! I have the most amazing job of being the Lead Artist of the SOHO: Space Of Her Own program.
For two years I have been able to work with inspiring young women from
Gilpin and Creighton court, and at the same time become friends with equally
inspiring women from all corners of our Richmond community. Each Thursday night of the
school year, it is a privilege to be able to lead these big and little sister
pairs into relationships of mutual learning, respect, discovery, fun, and
laughter through art.
When not at SOHO, I'm teaching sewing and pattern making
classes to all ages, various paper mache and art classes to cute and creative
kiddies from William Byrd Community House and beyond, or exciting projects to
the inspiring and vivacious residents at the Virginia Home.
I'm inspired by being in the Virginian outdoors, challenging myself to new experiences, learning from my talented and kind friends, and traveling and collecting beautiful objects and textiles from around the world. I'm so grateful for the amazing things I'm able to do!
In the summer of 2013, Tesni received the Master Teacher Award here at the Visual Arts Center of RIchmond. Her kindness, passion and creativity are felt by all whom she has taught over her many years with VisArts.
To see classes taught by Tesni, click HERE.