Last week the Girl Talk session was about friendship, the qualities of a good friend, a proactive in order to be a good friend. Everyone broke off into three mini-groups of two pairs each and discussed some scenarios involving these ideas. Walking around, you could hear the different teams having great discussions about friendship, how people were feeling in the scenarios, and how things could go differently. Some groups even saw it as an opportunity to do a bit of acting and roleplaying - which was very fun to watch!
After this, everyone came back together and decorated cookies. Tesni explained that they were supposed to decorate the cookies in an way that represented what a good friend means to them. Some were more abstract and some were more literal - but they were all really fun and beautiful. The girls were told to eat one cookie, but give one cookie to a friend outside of SOHO who represented those qualities. Everyone had fun talking about what they're cookies mean and explaining what a good friend meant to them.
Tesni asked if anyone wanted to be a fashion designer when they grew up and a few people raised their hands. Tesni went to school for this - and talked a little bit about how you have to use a sewing machine in order to become a fashion designer.
Sewing machines can sometimes be a challenge, but often becomes many people's favorite activity at SOHO! Tesni explained that their first project would be a big pillow for their beds, but for now they would just focus on the basics of sewing. The big and little sisters worked together to thread the machines and sew their first line of stitching. It's always interesting to see how people work together and rely on each other to remember all of the steps to threading. And it's wonderful to see the concentration, closeness, and conversation, and problem solving that happens so that they could get everything working. For a lot of people, this was the first time they had sewn - so a lot of girls were really excited to get started!
We also did mid-program surveys with both big and little sisters and we had some wonderful moments we thought we'd share from those. Here are some answers from the girls to the question, "What has been the most important thing that you've learned so far at SOHO?"
Sewing machines can sometimes be a challenge, but often becomes many people's favorite activity at SOHO! Tesni explained that their first project would be a big pillow for their beds, but for now they would just focus on the basics of sewing. The big and little sisters worked together to thread the machines and sew their first line of stitching. It's always interesting to see how people work together and rely on each other to remember all of the steps to threading. And it's wonderful to see the concentration, closeness, and conversation, and problem solving that happens so that they could get everything working. For a lot of people, this was the first time they had sewn - so a lot of girls were really excited to get started!
We also did mid-program surveys with both big and little sisters and we had some wonderful moments we thought we'd share from those. Here are some answers from the girls to the question, "What has been the most important thing that you've learned so far at SOHO?"
That y'all love us no matter what.
To respect each other.
To trust people and build social skills.
Be patient with others and other people I don't know.
Be respectful of one another.
To be myself!
Our mentors had really great things to say too:
I thought I was
creative, oh but now!!! It’s so amazing!! The intricate detailing to pottery,
to wood sanding, the list goes on! Just AMAZING! I’m very blessed to have
experienced such great Thursdays!
all the work put into making SOHO special – it always feels authentic, sweet,
and full of love!
funny stuff and creativity is important. More so than drama or cool clothes or
“what’s cool.” I try to confirm that
personality is what matters.
her confidence in her opinions.
to handle challenge and overcome obstacles in life.
importance of laughter.
importance of family and loyalty.
has taught me patience.
Big and little sisters were asked to describe each other in five words. Here's what they said: