Girls and mentors had so much fun during their second week of SOHO! Just like last week, girls and their big sisters went with their groups to do photography and Girl Talk. This past week they switched spots!
The second group of girls headed off to the VisArts darkroom to learn about photography.
First, all the pairs sat together with Liana to talk about the studio and what they were going to create: photograms.
Photograms are a way to make beautiful photographic images without a camera. This was a great introduction into the photographic process for the girls and their big sisters. Later on, they'll learn about how to use 35mm cameras, develop film and print their own photographs.pho·to·gramˈfōtəˌgram/nounnoun: photogram; plural noun: photograms1.a picture produced with photographic materials, such as light-sensitive paper, but without a camera.
Liana explained that photographs use the same paper that photos are printed on. This paper is light sensitive; areas that are hit with light turn darker and areas that aren't exposed to light stay white. Instead of using a camera to expose film which is then printed to paper, photograms print directly onto photopaper. Usually, you create photograms by placing objects on top of the paper and exposing this to light - then going through the normal processes of developing. For this week - SOHO girls were going create giant portraits on big rolls of photo paper using themselves and objects that described them.
Each pair of girls wrote down give words that described them - funny, crafty, athletic, artsy...Then they went into the darkroom where Liana had tons of different objects laid out. Girls and their big sisters worked together to find objects that represented their traits they talked about.
Then, still working in pairs, the girls laid out a big sheet of photo paper on the floor. Each girl laid on their paper in a fun pose and placed objects and letters around them. Then - they exposed these to light! Each girl then went through the process of developing, fixing and rinsing their prints.
Check out some of the awesome portraits they made:
being a good role model
not interrupting
laughing at appropriate times
using materials appropriately
no verbal or physical abuse (even if playful to begin with)
and general kindness
Based on these rules - girls came up with a system of repercussions if these rules are broken. Having the girls involved is a nice way for them to understand their importance at SOHO and that they have a say in their experience here.
After break, everyone went into the studio and finished up on their inspiration boards for their rooms. Then Tesni talked about bookbinding. Remember the awesome letterpress printed book covers we made last week? Well, these are going to become each girls' own journal to use during SOHO!Tesni talked about the different tools used in bookbinding and all of the names and words associated with that. These lovely books will be finished next week!
The night ended with the girls and mentors working on some surveys together and then separately to tell us all about them. These will be done again at the end of the program to see how much we've changed and learned during SOHO.
Finally everyone did closing circle which was "quiet, thoughtful, cute and awesome".
PS - We are SO THANKFUL to Plaza Art and U-Fab for their in-kind sponsorships this year. Each of these businesses are providing the supplies SOHO needed to create art projects made big big sisters and little sisters!
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